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Your Daily Dose of Financial News

Your Daily Dose of Financial News

Market OverviewThe First Days of Trumps PresidencyThe first days of Trumps presidency will be crucial, offering early indicators for both the U.S. and world economies. There is a great deal of specula

Recensione 2024-11-08
Understanding Today's News

Understanding Today's News

Market Overview The First Days of Trumps Presidency The first days of Trumps presidency will be crucial, offering early indicators for both the U.S. and world economies. There is a g

Recensione 2024-11-08
KVB Market Analysis | 8 Nov: USD/JPY Rises on Dollar Strength Despite Intervention Risks

KVB Market Analysis | 8 Nov: USD/JPY Rises on Dollar Strength Despite Intervention Risks

Product: EUR/USDPrediction: DecreaseFundamental Analysis: EUR/USD retreated to around 1.0800 on Thursday after the Federal Reserve announced a widely anticipated 25 basis point rate cut. With November

Recensione 2024-11-08
U.S. Election Aftershocks Fade, Data Back In Spotlight

U.S. Election Aftershocks Fade, Data Back In Spotlight

Tuesday, 12 November 2024, 09.00German CPI (MoM)(Oct)Germanys Consumer Price Index (CPI) for October 2024 rose by 0.4% month-on-month, surpassing the markets expectation of a 0.2% increase and marking

Notizia 2024-11-08
Analysis of today's market

Analysis of today's market

After the Federal Reserve decided to cut interest rates by 25 basis points, gold extended its recovery following a steep decline earlier in the week, trading above $2,700. Powell's speech centered aro

Notizia 2024-11-08
Expanding Horizons: Valetax’s Global Growth and Commitment to Excellence

Expanding Horizons: Valetax’s Global Growth and Commitment to Excellence

In an increasingly interconnected world, Valetax has emerged as a frontrunner in the forex industry, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to expansion, innovation, and excellence. The company is exp

Notizia 2024-11-07
Understanding CFDs: A Beginner’s Guide to Contracts for Difference

Understanding CFDs: A Beginner’s Guide to Contracts for Difference

What exactly are CFDs, and how does CFD trading work? This guide provides a solid understanding of these popular financial instruments, which are favored among investors for offering unique investment

Notizia 2024-11-07
Dollar and Wall Street Bullish on Trump Victory

Dollar and Wall Street Bullish on Trump Victory

Wall Street was bullish, while Nasdaq recorded an all-time high after Donald Trump won the election. Gold plummets as the demand for the safe-haven asset eases after the U.S. political uncertainty is

Notizia 2024-11-07
Trump's Win Triggers Sharp US Dollar Rally; Gold Plummets Nearly $85!

Trump's Win Triggers Sharp US Dollar Rally; Gold Plummets Nearly $85!

Hot spot tracking US election-Trump has achieved a "red wave" across the United States. Harris congratulated Trump on his election. The Republican Party took control of the Senate and is expected t

Recensione 2024-11-07
DBG Markets: Market Report for Nov 07, 2024

DBG Markets: Market Report for Nov 07, 2024

Market OverviewThe U.S. Economy ComebackWith Trump‘s victory, market forecasts suggest increased trading on bullish equities and the Dollar, paired with a likely sell-off in precious metals and energy

Recensione 2024-11-07
KVB Market Analysis | 1 Nov: Gold Struggles as Dollar Surges After Trump's Election Victory

KVB Market Analysis | 1 Nov: Gold Struggles as Dollar Surges After Trump's Election Victory

Product: EUR/USD Prediction: Decrease Fundamental Analysis: EUR/USD plummeted midweek, falling over 1.75% and dropping below 1.0750 for the first time since July. The market shifted tow

Recensione 2024-11-07
Today's Biggest Market News

Today's Biggest Market News

Market Overview The U.S. Economy Comeback With Trump‘s victory, market forecasts suggest increased trading on bullish equities and the Dollar, paired with a likely sell-off in precio

Recensione 2024-11-07
Quick Hits from Today's Markets

Quick Hits from Today's Markets

Market Overview The U.S. Economy Comeback With Trump‘s victory, market forecasts suggest increased trading on bullish equities and the Dollar, paired with a likely sell-off in precio

Recensione 2024-11-07
Analysis of today's market

Analysis of today's market

Gold plunged to a three-week low below $2700 a troy ounce on Wednesday after the 2024 US Presidential election. The Republican candidate, former President Donald Trump, won the contest, bolstering the

Notizia 2024-11-07
Hurricane Boosts Oil Prices Again; Gold Approaches $2,750!

Hurricane Boosts Oil Prices Again; Gold Approaches $2,750!

Hot spot trackingThe U.S. trade balance recorded -$84.4 billion in September, the largest deficit since April 2022. The widening trade deficit means that the United States imports more than it exports

Recensione 2024-11-06
CWG Markets gains FSCA regulation, boosting compliance and client protection.

CWG Markets gains FSCA regulation, boosting compliance and client protection.

CWG Markets, a global leader in trading and investment solutions, has recently received regulatory authorization from the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) of South Africa. This prestigious ap

Notizia 2024-11-06
Dollar Spur by Trump’s Leading Position in Election

Dollar Spur by Trump’s Leading Position in Election

Donald Trumps current leading in the U.S. election spurred the dollar to jump more than 1%. BTC was fueled by the “Trump” effect and is back to the all-time high territory. BoE and Fed monetary polici

Notizia 2024-11-06
US election results are imminent. The US dollar is under pressure to fall, while gold may rise again

US election results are imminent. The US dollar is under pressure to fall, while gold may rise again

On Tuesday, as traders awaited the results of the US election, the US dollar index continued to decline, falling below the 104 level and ultimately closing down 0.467% at 103.41. The yield of US Treas

Recensione 2024-11-06
Today's Financial News

Today's Financial News

As election day unfolds, traders are weighing potential market impacts based on the possible outcomes. A Trump victory is being considered as a more predictable scenario for markets, with some foresee

Recensione 2024-11-06
KVB Market Analysis | 6 Nov: Dollar Strengthens Amid US Election Results, Pushing USD/JPY Higher

KVB Market Analysis | 6 Nov: Dollar Strengthens Amid US Election Results, Pushing USD/JPY Higher

Product: EUR/USDPrediction: DecreaseFundamental Analysis: EUR/USD has fallen sharply and is now trading below 1.0900 as focus shifts to the U.S. presidential election. Polling in Georgia, a crucial sw

Recensione 2024-11-06

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