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FBS Supports Child Welfare in Indonesia

FBS Supports Child Welfare in Indonesia

We are delighted to announce our partnership with the Peduli Anak Foundation, marking the beginning of our first collaborative project. The recent donation from FBS supported the foundations mission o

Notizia 2024-10-31
GTC FX Shines in Delhi, India with a Successful IB Networking Event!

GTC FX Shines in Delhi, India with a Successful IB Networking Event!

Recently, the IB networking event sponsored by GTC FX was grandly held in the capital city of Delhi, India, gathering industry elites and partners. The event was hosted by GTCs senior agent Mr. Anil a

Notizia 2024-10-31
【MACRO Insight】Gold market dynamics: growing demand and soaring prices

【MACRO Insight】Gold market dynamics: growing demand and soaring prices

On Wednesday, the gold market hit a new high again, with gold prices breaking through the 2,780 mark at one point, and silver prices also continued to rise, reaching $34 per ounce, the highest level i

Recensione 2024-10-31
Today's Biggest Market News

Today's Biggest Market News

Market Analysis GOLD - GOLD hovers near record highs, supported by geopolitical tensions, concerns over conflict in West Asia, and upcoming U.S. elections. This safe-haven asset shows ris

Recensione 2024-10-31
Financial Stories of the Day

Financial Stories of the Day

Market AnalysisGOLD - GOLD hovers near record highs, supported by geopolitical tensions, concerns over conflict in West Asia, and upcoming U.S. elections. This safe-haven asset shows rising momentum;

Recensione 2024-10-31
Dollar Eases as GDP Come Soft

Dollar Eases as GDP Come Soft

Dollar was pressured by the downbeat GDP reading, eye on today‘s PCE reading. Nasdaq closed lower on poor megavaps’ earnings reports, keenly awaiting earnings reports from Apple Inc and Amazon Inc for

Notizia 2024-10-31
CWG Commodity Futures Delivery Time

CWG Commodity Futures Delivery Time

Notizia 2024-10-31
DBG Markets: Market Report for Oct 31, 2024

DBG Markets: Market Report for Oct 31, 2024

Market OverviewGOLD - GOLD hovers near record highs, supported by geopolitical tensions, concerns over conflict in West Asia, and upcoming U.S. elections. This safe-haven asset shows rising momentum;

Recensione 2024-10-31
US Q3 GDP Below Expectations; "Little NFP" Surprises with Strong Showing!

US Q3 GDP Below Expectations; "Little NFP" Surprises with Strong Showing!

Hot spot trackingThe initial annualized quarterly rate of real GDP in the United States in the third quarter was 2.8%, lower than market expectations of 3%. The initial annualized quarterly rate of th

Recensione 2024-10-31
【MACRO Alert】Oil market outlook analysis: OPEC+ production decisions and geopolitical risks

【MACRO Alert】Oil market outlook analysis: OPEC+ production decisions and geopolitical risks

In the global oil market, traders are divided over whether OPEC+ will resume production in December as planned. The alliance, led by Saudi Arabia and Russia, plans to increase production by 180,000 ba

Notizia 2024-10-30
Gold Sky-rocket with the U.S. Election Jitters

Gold Sky-rocket with the U.S. Election Jitters

Gold Prices surged to an all-time high as the market braced for the U.S. election.Nasdaq jumped on the back of strong Alphabet Inc earning performance, eye on Meta and Microsoft earning reports today.

Notizia 2024-10-30
The Era of SheEconomy: DBG Markets Hosts Women's Financial Independence ForumOverview

The Era of SheEconomy: DBG Markets Hosts Women's Financial Independence ForumOverview

On October 19, 2024, DBG Markets proudly hosted an empowering talk show titled "Women and Financial Independence - Master Your Own Life" at the Orange Space in Hanoi. This event was specially designed

Notizia 2024-10-30
Preparing for Market Volatility Ahead of the 2024 U.S. Election

Preparing for Market Volatility Ahead of the 2024 U.S. Election

With the 2024 U.S. election approaching, markets are bracing for increased volatility! Investors are closely watching how candidates policy differences might impact the U.S. dollar, stock markets, and

Notizia 2024-10-30
DBG Markets: Market Report for Oct 30, 2024

DBG Markets: Market Report for Oct 30, 2024

Market OverviewJOLTS job openings data yesterday was lower than expected, while CB consumer confidence rose significantly to 108.7. GOLD is edging higher as attention shifts to the ADP NFP and GDP rep

Recensione 2024-10-30
Your Daily Dose of Financial News

Your Daily Dose of Financial News

Market OverviewJOLTS job openings data yesterday was lower than expected, while CB consumer confidence rose significantly to 108.7. GOLD is edging higher as attention shifts to the ADP NFP and GDP rep

Recensione 2024-10-30
Today's Top Financial News

Today's Top Financial News

Market Overview JOLTS job openings data yesterday was lower than expected, while CB consumer confidence rose significantly to 108.7. GOLD is edging higher as attention shifts to the ADP

Recensione 2024-10-30
Will the US job market cool further? Gold and Nasdaq hit new all-time highs!

Will the US job market cool further? Gold and Nasdaq hit new all-time highs!

Hot spot trackingThe number of U.S. JOLTs job openings fell to 7.443 million in September, the lowest level since early 2021. Traders increased their bets on a rate cut by the Federal Reserve.Accordin

Recensione 2024-10-30
KVB Market Analysis | 30 Oct: Yen Weakens as USD/JPY Remains Strong on U.S. Economic Optimism

KVB Market Analysis | 30 Oct: Yen Weakens as USD/JPY Remains Strong on U.S. Economic Optimism

Product: EUR/USDPrediction: DecreaseFundamental Analysis:The EUR/USD pair has risen to around 1.0820 in the early Asian session on Wednesday, though its upside potential is limited due to uncertainty

Recensione 2024-10-30
【MACRO Insight】 Precious metal prices soar: safe-haven assets amid fiscal and political uncert

【MACRO Insight】 Precious metal prices soar: safe-haven assets amid fiscal and political uncert

The Treasury market is experiencing sharp volatility as the US election approaches, mainly due to strong economic data and the markets reassessment of the Trump deal. The rise in the 10-year Treasury

Recensione 2024-10-29
Gold Rally Ahead of the U.S. Election

Gold Rally Ahead of the U.S. Election

Gold is Poised at an all-time high as the U.S. election is approaching. Eyes on the Australian CPI reading due tomorrow and its implication on the lacklustre Aussie. BTC topped $70,000 in the last ses

Notizia 2024-10-29

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